Friday, October 21, 2005


What can I say, I've joined the working world once again, the early mornings, the smile the friendliness. It all kinda makes you want to gag, but generally I like to work, being with people everyday and possibly accomplishing something is rather fufilling, I think. Theres never really been a job that I've absolutely hated, even when I had the super 8 job, which by the way I disliked cause of the people not the rest of it. For the most part I like doing a job no matter what it is, and I like to have fun doing it. If there are people I like to get to know them and just generally relax. Not to say that I slack or anything.

But when you work don't you find that by the time you get home your exhausted no matter what you do? no matter how long you work? like the act of just going to a place where you get paid is more then enough to tucker you out. I will admit that at work I'm rather like a sugar junkie, I play on as much of my emotions and fuel supplies as possible till it seems I'm jittery, and I make bad jokes, but hey what ever gets you through right? I don't even know why I'm writting to tell you the truth. I should in all right be in bed, however te prospect of keeping my blog up to date was more then appealing. With that said I think I do have to hit the hay and get some rest before I head off once more to the confines of employment.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

You always learn something new

As with before I have no idea what I'm gonig to write tonight, only tht I'm going to write something. Today I got together with a friend and we went fish shopping, neither of ous bought anything but it was an excuse to get out of the house and spend some quality time with a person I don't see every day. We had some of the strangest conversations, and I hate to say it but I was relieved to find out she wasn't a virgin, I haven't been for a little while now, and the scandal still seems pretty high abuot it, and finding out that I'm not the only one was more then reliving. I don't know, the guys I've met and he's really nice and I think its good for her, at least I think he is anyways.

We talked a little about my ex since its her best friend he's dating now, and apparenlty the news is he's going to give her a promise ring for christmas, I don't see this happening, but who knows I might just be off my rocker, in any case it shouldn't matter to me one way or the other. Sure I want him to feel pain like no living being can withstand, but then again he pissed me off. And continues to do so.

Amoung the oh so fun conversations we had was one about some of the stuff we've seen, I started with the whole birth control card, you know something light that could easily be forgotten, she antied with a show it all teddie and pantie set, I broke out the baby sitter thong, and she countered with finding her mothers. I didn't want to drag out the porn my babysitters brother use to show me (which actually belonged to his brother) or the hentai in their house, I think its a little much don't you? But yeah we talked a little and it was good having someone to talk to but I just couldn't really bring myself to open up about sex to her, I don't know maybe talking about it is a little too taboo for me even still.

But eah I got a call back from the place I applied, I had an interview almost a week ago and I go for an orientation on tues, I can't say I'm not excited, it will be good to be making money again, and hopefully in time I can a) start making decent money there or b) find a job that pays better in time. After all, even if I don't go back to school for a while I can not continue to rely on my parents, and some part of me misses living on my own. At this point I'm not sure I will go back to school, it seems less apealing to me then it did before, after all if an average canadian changes jobs how many times in a life time, is it not just easier to avoid spending half or a decade getting the education you need for one job and then having to go back to train for a new advocation? I don't know it all seems pretty silly to me, but for tonight I'm going to bed.

Good night